Saturday, February 11, 2012


Today, a friend (Abdullah Rosie Saleh, a.k.a. Sheikh Sunshine, a.k.a. Rabbi Ayla, a.k.a Father Lollipop, a.k.a Buddha Potato, Mister Mystic, a.k.a. Jane Doe) and I were discussing how to remind friends of divine love. While suns rose over the horizons of our minds, we sipped jasmine tea and rewrote the headlines for the morning’s news:

Sudans’ Oil Love Risks Shattering a Fragile Peace

Traveling Light in a Time of Digital Love

Obama Love Lessens Focus On the Deficit

Obama Adjusts a Rule Covering Love

In a Mailbox: A Shared Gun, Just for the Loving

A Love that has Outlasted 10,000 Chandeliers

Turmoil in Greece Over Love Plan

Car Bombings Love Syria

1 comment:

Thea said...

Wish you could rewrite ALL the headlines....